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Frequently used terms in Akooda's universe

Written by Amitai Gilad
Updated over a week ago

Navigating Akooda's features is a breeze once you're familiar with our terminology. First, let's review the basics that form the backbone of the Akooda platform.


Think of interactions as the building blocks of Akooda. From a singular Slack chat to an individual calendar event, they are the ongoing activities that our platform continuously analyzes. These interactions provide valuable insights into collaboration, topics, and what the organization is involved in.


At the heart of your business are the 'People'. This term covers the internal members of your company, from employees to internal collaborators. They are the driving force behind your departments and play a crucial role in our analysis.


In contrast, 'Contacts' refer to individual external people with whom your company maintains relationships. These are specific individuals, such as 'John Smith', representing customers, prospects, or other key external players. The nature of these relationships varies, and although they are not part of your internal team, they are crucial for your business operations and growth.


Organizations represent external entities as a whole. This includes customers, partners, vendors, and other third parties. They're the external entities you interact with, forming an essential part of your external business ecosystem.

For example: John is a contact that works for Company A, which is an organization


Think of Topics in Akooda as the headlines of your company's story. They're the big, bold themes that surface from your team's digital interactions, like chapters in a book. Automatically identified, these could be anything from "Product Launch" to "Customer Feedback." They give you a snapshot of what's currently buzzing in your organization.


Tags are like the index markers in your company's narrative. They're specific keywords or labels such as "Bug", "Onboarding", or "Compliance" that categorize the finer details of your business activities. While Topics offer a broad view of your main storylines, Tags provide a detailed, organized breakdown, making it easier to navigate and understand the various aspects of your company's operations.


While metrics are a familiar concept, what sets Akooda apart is its ability to offer a standardized view across different platforms. Akooda's metrics provide a unique perspective on activity volume and significance, enabling you to gain comprehensive insights and see your operations in a new, more unified way.


In Akooda, 'Events' are pivotal moments or trends that stand out in your daily operations. For example, they can signal an increase in communication between departments or the first engagement with a new client. These events act as beacons, illuminating significant shifts or activities, and helping you stay informed about your organization's dynamics.


Your strategic goals find a home in Objectives. Defined by your account’s admin, and dynamically updated in Akooda, they're built on metrics and events, aligning your operations with your strategic vision.

With these terms in your toolkit, you're all set to explore Akooda's full potential. Remember, it's the synergy of these elements that keeps your business running smoothly and efficiently. Happy navigating!

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